As for the second model, the bright green in the image is striking, but not as striking as the appearance of what seems to be a two-door Gladiator featured within. At least, that’s what it strikes you as, it’s hard to be sure we’re not just looking at a cool Wrangler either.
Regardless, the door opening not only features the lack of a door, but also an entirely different shape than we’re used to, maybe previewing some sort of futuristic take on a model.
We would be lying if we said we wouldn’t be excited about a two-door gladiator. Since the model’s inception, the absence of one has been understandable, yet has left enthusiasts and journalists yearning for more. Jeep knows this, and has brought similar models like the utterly sublime J6 and, to a lesser extent, the Jeep Bob Concept in years past to taunt/ gauge interest in such a model.
Are our predictions correct? We’ll just have to see. Luckily, the show is only a few weeks away, and that means we’re due a few more concepts in the meantime.